Tuesday, March 4, 2008

On 'moments'

Scene 1 :Everyday to myself :

I want to get out college as quickly as possible.


Because if I go into the world outside, seems like I will have a better life.

Scene 2: Today, again to myself:

I am free. Got nothing to do. Have some work tomorrow. I am listening to U2 .

Wait,I don't really feel like running away from this place. This place isnt so bad.

Corollary - [:P]

Moments like the latter for me are few and far spaced. But I have come to realize these are the very few moments I live life , not spent in dream-designing it.

Yeah the future is all lit up and shiny , but you will have your share of blows wherever you go. Only that from a distance it all seems bright and attractive. In this frantic run towards that glowing dot in the dark somewhere far away called 'bright future' , the journey always seems painful, because it is keeping you away from that dream world.

Took me 20 years to know that the so called 'destiny' is an only an illusion and the closer we move the farther it seems to go. Ultimately living life boils down to the tedious journey through this forest called hope in search of this so called 'bright future'.

And today, amidst the usual ruckus in my mind, for a moment in this redundancy , I stopped, looked around and felt content. I thought , well I think things are okay as they are now. This I think is a moment to cherish. The moment. When the journey, not the destination, the journey itself seems worth cherishing.

Whatever bright future means, try having a bright present.

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